Our Vision

We envision living abundantly in self sufficiency, in relationship with Creator, collaborating and living in harmony with Nature, ourselves, and each other, ensuring personal freedom & bodily autonomy, and doing it all with grit and perseverance, fun and JOY here on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

Together, we can seed the dreams of a unified community for future generations.

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." – Margaret J. Wheatley

What’s Possible together…

The world is changing…and we find ourselves as a human race on the precipis of many crisises. From affordable housing, to the impending food crisis, to economic uncertainty and disfunction. We see how a Globalist and technological solution without a localized approach is taking us off coarse and recognize the importance of going back to the land and learning skills that are nature based and honouring of the land and relationships that feed community.

Our group members are continually learning and growing together focused on team building, conflict resolution and the soft skills needed to navigate interpersonal dynamics. We have land work days, community meals and share a spiritual practise.

Core Values & Visions

Shared Values Include: Health/Wellness at every level, Friendship, Sacred Practice,  Open, Honest, High Vibration Communication,  Balance, Sovereignty/Autonomy,  Fun, Joy, Laughter, Love, Beauty & Awe, Self-Responsibility, Humility,  Authenticity, Stewardship, Freedom, Life Long Learning, Critical Thinking, Service, Reciprocity, Generosity, Kindness,Vitality


Our leadership team has a diverse skillset in communication, business, building, space holding, organic permaculture gardening and systems design. Community is fostered together through communication, celebration, eating, growing and learning together. Aspects of our farmily that we see supporting group cohesion and building trust include growing food together, sharing meals and council with one another, building collaboratives projects on the land, dancing & growing our souls through workshops held on our land - balanced with personal time on our own private space.

WAYS OF COUNCIL: Each community member has a voice - and space is given to work out conflict and create a harmonized container through a compassionate communication training and skilled facilitation by our counsel members. Each persons voice counts and is cared for. In forming our group, we are making decisions on moving forward together in a consensus model which has each person’s voice heard and requires agreement by the majority before we move forward on decisions. As we develop our Dynamic governance model, we form pods to run aspects of the farms growth.


Right relationships with the land & each other

Developing a strong relationship with the unceded land we’re on, the local indigenous whom are the hereditary stewards of our land, along with the wider local community.

It is our intention to connect with local indigenous groups in fostering a right relationship as well as future collaboration, hosting events which bring greater awareness to the impacts of colonialism, and also apply regenerative land practices for a healthy relationship in stewarding our land project.


Intergenerational living. A diversity of backgrounds - economic, geographic, age, gender, orientation, and ability. Seeing diversity valued and honoured, as well as creating space for all voices at the table to be heard.



Stewarding land in a right relationship with the land and surrounding community - we envision this project as a legacy to inspire other communities as well as ourselves to create the world we want to live in.



Green School

It all begins with unschooling and a return to authentic ways of wisdom, starting with our children. Elders pass down their wisdom and we will draw from our close & extended community in helping foster both traditional skills and ‘life skills’ of how to live off the land and in harmony with nature teaching permaculture, health & wellness, science, arts, to balancing your bank account

Community Farm

Our intention is to build a scaleable model of co-existence with the land, nature and each other along with featuring a community farm. Growing our own food is one of the easiest ways of reconnecting with the land and each other. Our systems will lean on natural building, bio-dynamic and organic permaculture concepts along with ‘buffer zones’ of nature on the land creating spaces for nature and humans to thrive.


Community Space

Having a space to celebrate, mourn, meet and grow is essential to creating a healthy community. This communal space will be used for workshops, retreats, community gatherings, dances and meetings. A place to shake loose, organize logistics, dream new visions, and process emotions. We have a ‘hearth’ to gather weekly and also engage with the greater community at a hall down the road.


“In the midst of old systems crumbling, perhaps this is our opportunity to build and live in the future world we WANT to see.”

— Unknown

Sustainable & replicable model


Share structure

To protect the investment of community members, members invest into the project through a share structure made legal through a registered corporation. Should a member desire to exit, the community or new members can purchase the exiting members share or we find a suitable buyer with a guarrantee of share sale.


Building Trust

New members that are desiring to become a land share member can rent on the land for a 6-month to 1-year period, whereby we all have the opportunity to feel into alignment. All members on the land have the opportunity to contribute to visioning meetings, whereby landshare partners contribute to both visioning + development meetings.



While our members have different amounts invested in the land, our consensus decision making process enables one person/one vote. This allows for equitable decision making that is fair and balanced, while allowing for this vision to continue growing.

Co-op/Corp Structure

While operating as a corp, landshare members investment into the project is equated as a share structure. As land value increases with development, members shares increase. Should a member desire to sell their share, there is a grace period whereby existing members of the community can purchase the share or sell their share to someone outside of the community.